Does diabetes cause blindness?
This column regularly receives medical questions from our readers and from time to time we select some interesting ones for discussion here for general public health education. Here are some of them:...
View ArticleBreast milk and microwave
Is it safe to warm breast milk in a microwave oven? No, it is not safe to warm breast milk in a microwave oven. Collected breast milk should never be warmed in a microwave oven, because it destroys...
View ArticleEffective solutions to hair loss
Hello everyone! I am so thrilled by the influx of your emails! And as I am so happy that you trust me with your concerns, I would also like to share something close to my heart. Recently, my beloved...
View ArticleHow can we live longer?
Is it safe to warm breast milk in a microwave oven? No, it is not safe to warm breast milk in a microwave oven. Collected breast milk should never be warmed in a microwave oven, because it destroys...
View ArticlePope Francis on ecology
SPEAKING before the United Nations General Assembly, Pope Francis challenged the international organization to bring peace and environmental justice, placing blame on “a selfish and boundless thirst...
View ArticleAll about foods
The clamor for a healthier lifestyle has transformed society into more conscious, more intelligent, and more discriminating consumers of food and food ingredients. Truth in food labeling is a law that...
View ArticleRice, obesity, and diabetes
Is water from refilling stations safe? It all depends on the station that you choose. A recent report shows that seven out of ten (441 out of 630) refilling stations in two key cities in Metro Manila...
View ArticleFlu could be deadly
The influenza season is upon us once again. While flu is common and those afflicted usually recover uneventfully, this viral infection could be serious, or even fatal, for some people as discussed...
View ArticleFive ways to reduce your chances of getting cancer
With a few simple changes in our lifestyle we can positively impact our overall health and even stave off dreaded diseases such as cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cigarette and...
View ArticleAre fruit juices unhealthy?
The average annual consumption of fruit juices in the United States is about 30.3 liters per person. I suspect the ratio would be almost proportional to the amount of “fruit juices” we drink yearly in...
View ArticleCEREC benefits of CAD/CAM dentistry
CEREC is the unique CAD/CAM system for patient individual all-ceramic restorations in one single appointment. Using CAD/CAM (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing), this process...
View ArticleQueries from readers
Can tubal ligation be reversed? Ligation of the fallopian tubes, performed for birth control, can be reversed to allow pregnancy to take place, depending on how long a segment of the tubes were cut in...
View ArticleAspirin daily: safe or risky?
My column on “Aspirin, the Wonder Drug,” came out in 2002, when this common household item was on the spotlight for sometime for its new role in staving off heart attack, medically termed Acute...
View ArticlePesticides and blood cancers
Toxic chemicals commonly used in almost all homes could cause various diseases, including cancers. At least a dozen of chemical agents are found in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry area, and the garage...
View ArticleAspirin daily: Safe or risky?
MY column on “Aspirin, the Wonder Drug,” came out in 2002, when this common household item was in the spotlight for some time for its new role in staving off a heart attack, medically termed acute...
View ArticleFlu could be deadly
The influenza season is upon us once again. While flu is common and those afflicted usually recover uneventfully, this viral infection could be serious, or even fatal, for some people as discussed...
View ArticleThe uninvited celebrant: Where’s the birthday boy?
WHEN international celebrity Marilyn Monroe, in her sexy tight-fitting gold gown that hugged her shapely figure, sang “Happy Birthday, Mr. President,” in May 1962, the attention of the world was...
View ArticleMaking 2016 the best year yet
Hello kababayans. It’s that time again when we resolve to change some of our habits for good. We’re naturally feeling optimistic with the arrival of a new year, a cosmic reset – a time for new...
View ArticleHow-to stay Away from unwanted weight gain this season
Let’s face it, the holidays are a hectic time of year. No matter what traditions your friends, family and co-workers follow, food is sure to be at the forefront of all your get-togethers, making the...
View ArticleYoga for beginners
By AJPress From the Sankskrit root “yuj” which means “to yoke,” yoga is an ancient practice and philosophy promoting inner peace by joining the spirit and physical body together. The physical postures...
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